
How It Works

One App To Do It All!

Your Personal Concierge At Your Fingertips!


Sign Up

Create a profile by filling out your details.


Allocate Budget

Allocate a portion of your NDIS budget to be used with Central Care for goods and services.


Sign Service Agreement

Review and sign service agreement in app (don't worry it's not a lock-in contract).


Start Ordering

Once your funding has been confirmed you can browse and start ordering.

Discover the Central Care difference

For Participants

    • Freedom of choice - you're in control with Central Care. Order from a range of services at your convenience and Central Care will take care of the rest.
    • Value for money - because we're online, our operating costs are lower and pass the savings on to you. 
    • Transparent pricing and budget tracking - for both NDIS covered and out of pocket expenses.
    • Single log in for all services - Once you sign up and approve your budget with central care you can order from a wide range of services from the one place.
    • On-demand service - you're able to order what you want when you want it, without booking well in advance. 

For Carers, Support Coordinators

    • Spend less time - ordering and organising services for participants and more time doing the things that matter.
    • Admin Login (coming soon) - have access to order on behalf of multiple participants. You can also view order history.
    • Bulk participant upload - You can upload multiple participants without the need of the app.
    • 24/7 emergency orders - Central Care will handle all emergency requests at all time of day.




How Central Care works with NDIS

Plan Managed

Central Care invoices your plan manager directly, so you'll only need to pay for additional out of pocket expenses (i.e. ingredients)

Agency Managed

Central Care claims the NDIS portion directly, so you'll only need to pay for additional out of pocket expenses (i.e. ingredients)

Self Managed

Central Care does not currently service self managed participants. We are always looking to expand so please check back.